
Kalpowar is a town in the North Burnett Region and a locality split between the North Burnett Region and the Bundaberg Region, in Queensland, Australia.


The town's name derives from the railway station name assigned by the Queensland Railways Department on 30 January 1928, which was an Aboriginal word meaning either pine tree or copper.
Many Peaks Provisional School opened on 23 Oct 1922 as part of the railway construction camp for the Gladstone to Monto railway line. In 1923 it was relocated south to the 63 Mile Camp. In 1926 it moved south to 67 Mile Camp and was renamed Barrimoon Provisional School. In 1927 it moved again to 74 Mile Camp and its name was changed in 19228 to Kalpowar Provisional School. In 1929 it moved to 82 Mile Camp and in September 1930 it was renamed Bancroft Provisional School. On 1 August 1931 it became Bancroft State School and remained there permanently until its closer on 31 December 1998.

Heritage listings

Kalpowar has a number of heritage-listed sites, including: