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Provide buddy services for firewalled nodes.
Store locations, comments and filenames.
Note that the Kad network is not used to actually transfer files across the P2P network. Instead, when a file transfer is initiated, clients connect directly to each other. This traffic is susceptible to blocking/shaping/tracking by an ISP or any other opportunistic middle-man. As with all decentralized networks, the Kad network requires no official or common servers. As such, it cannot be disabled by shutting down a given subset of key nodes. While the decentralization of the network prevents a simple shut-down, traffic analysis and deep packet inspection will more readily identify the traffic as P2P due to the high variable-destination packet throughput. The large packet volume typically causes a reduction in available CPU and/or network resources usually associated with P2P traffic.
Client Search
The Kad network supports searching of files by name and a number of secondary characteristics such as size, extension, bit-rate, and more. Features vary based on client used.
Major Clients
Only a few major clients currently support the Kad network implementation. However, they comprise over 80% of the user base and are probably closer to 95% of ed2k installations.
eMule: An open sourceWindows client which is the most popular, with 80% of network users. It also runs on Linux using the Wine libraries.
There are a number of minor variants, or forks, of eMule which support the same basic features as eMule itself. They include: aMule and eMule Mods, possibly others.
aMule: An open source client popular among Linux Operating Systems. Currently aMule supports a wide variety of platforms and operating systems.
MLDonkey: An open source, cross-platform client that runs on many platforms and supports numerous other file-sharing protocols as well.
iMule: An anonymous, open source, cross-platform client. Supports only the Kad network and I2P network. eDonkey network has been dropped.
TDL-4: A botnet virus that is reported to use this network as a backup for updates and new instructions if its Command and Control servers are taken down.