KUKL à Paris 14.9.84

Kukl à Paris 14.9.84 was a live album released by the Icelandic post-punk group Kukl in July 1985, on the independent French record label V.I.S.A.. It was only available in cassette format, packaged in a transparent plastic bag with an accompanying 16-page stapled booklet of lyrics, photos and liner notes. The album contained live versions of Kukl's songs as performed at L'Eldorado in Paris, France on 14 September 1984.

Track listing

Side A

Side B

Track notes

Several of the newer songs appeared in studio versions with altered titles on the band's final release, Holidays in Europe . "He Hapes" became "Gibraltar ", "Carlos" became "France ", "The Men on the Cross" became "Greece ", "Vials of Wrath" became "Aegean " and "Latin" became "Holland ".
