KH domain-containing, RNA-binding, signal transduction-associated protein 3 is a protein that in humans is encoded by the KHDRBS3 gene.


KHDRBS3 has been shown to interact with SIAH1.
KHDRBS3 interacts with splicing protein Sam68 and oncogene metadherin in prostate cancer cells.

Clinical significance

KHDRBS3 expression has been shown to be increased in prostate cancer tissue compared to the surrounding benign tissue. Expression of KHDRBS3 correlates with mpMRI signal measured through Likert score a system similar to PI-RADS. While still under debate, mpMRI signal correlates with higher Gleason grade and tumour size, in addition to histopathological features associated with clinically aggressive prostate cancer.
In prostate cancer cell lines KHDRBS3 appears to be androgen regulated, with a reduction in mRNA expression occurring following addition of synthetic androgen R1881 to cells.