Just a couple

Just a couple is a British comedy-drama television series created by Writer/Director Sebastian Thiel. The series was originally produced by Upshot Entertainment in 2013. It was then further developed by Big Talk Productions.
The show explores the trials and tribulations of a millennial couple's relationship, through comedy. The series routes itself within the small details of what it's really like to be in a relationship. Episodes explore things like, the act of betraying your partner by finishing a Netflix series - when you promised to watch it together.
Just a Couple premiered on BBC Three on March 9 2017. The show stars Frieda Thiel, Sebastian Thiel's younger sister, Michael Salami, Weruche Opia and Sean Sagar.
In 2018 Just a Couple won Favourite Comedy Production at the Screen Nation Awards and Debut Writer Award at The Debbies
