June (given name)

June is a female given name, but it is also used as a male given name in English-speaking countries. It comes from the name of the month, which is derived from Juno, the name of a Roman goddess. It is also a short form of the names Juniper, Junia, Junius and Junior.
June was a very popular girl's name and somewhat popular boy's name in the early to mid 20th century in the United States. As a girl's name, it reached a peak in 1925 as the 39th most popular name, but then gradually declined until it dropped off the top 1000 list of names in 1987. In recent years, it has started to make a comeback: in 2018 it ranked 241st.
As a boy's name, June reached a peak in 1922 at 697th, but then also declined and left the top 1000 list in 1939.

People named June include