Jules Turgan

François Julien called Jules or Julien) Turgan was a 19th-century French chansonnier, physician and journalist.


Turgan studied at the collège royal de Saint-Louis where he excelled in Latin version. From 1842, he was a lyricist for Émile Bienaimé and became a physician. He stood out in 1848 by his acts of devotion during the days of June and during the cholera epidemic.
A scientific editor for L'Événement then at the Le Bien-être universel, he established La Fabrique, la ferme, l'atelier, a popular science newspaper. Assistant manager of the Journal officiel, a friend of Théophile Gautier, he became director of Le Moniteur universel in 1852. He was also a resident member of the Science section of the "Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques".
