
Juf is a village in the municipality of Avers in the canton of Graubünden, Switzerland. At above sea level, it is the highest village with permanent residents in Europe. As of 2016, Juf had a population of 31 inhabitants divided between six families in a concentrated settlement. They were 20 in 1991 and 30 in 2001. The first inhabitants were immigrant Walser who arrived in 1292.


Juf differs from settlements in lower valleys in being above the tree line. Wood was transported for building houses and stables, but historically, dry dung fuel from the inhabitants’ animals was burned for fuel. Old structures for drying manure can still be seen on the southern ends of some Juf stables.


Despite its remote location, Juf can be reached by public transport eight times a day all year round, as all post buses running to the high valley of Avers go on to the very end of the road at Juf. It is nevertheless a very remote valley, its infrastructure designed primarily to encourage tourism, and has been spared the technical installations, such as power lines or tourist resorts, which might otherwise ruin its "pristine beauty".


Another source gives the title of Europe's highest village to Li Baita, a part of Trepalle, Italy. Just above Juf is an old farmhouse, the Platten-hof, birthplace of writer Johann Rudolf Stoffel. This is considered the highest farmhouse in Europe.