Judith Lauand

Judith Lauand is a Brazilian painter and printmaker. She is considered a pioneer of the Brazilian modernist movement that started in the 1950s, and was the only female member of the concrete art movement based in São Paulo, the Grupo Ruptura.

Early life and education

Lauand was born in Pontal, São Paulo, Brazil.
In the mid-1950s, Lauand graduated from the Escola de Belas Artes in Araraquara, São Paulo in Brazil with a degree in fine arts. While at Escola de Belas Artes, Lauand's education was based in traditional fine arts. Domênico Lazzarini and Maria Ybarra de Almeida taught her painting and Lívio Abramo taught her printmaking.


After graduating from college, Lauand worked as a teacher in Araraquara and produced artwork on the side, which at that time was in the style of expressionist figurative paintings.
In 1953, Lauand moved to São Paulo. In 1954, she worked as a gallery monitor at the São Paulo Art Biennial, which led to her connecting with fellow artists who were part of the concrete art movement, Grupo Ruptura: Anatol Władysław, Geraldo de Barros, Leopoldo Haar, Lothar Charoux, Luís Sacilotto, Kazmer Féjer, and Waldemar Cordeiro. Lauand soon joined the group, becoming their only female member.
Lauand work is rooted in the abstract art from the 1950s, with a movement in 1954 to a more rigid and analytical approach. Starting in the 1960s, Lauland began incorporating non-traditional materials like paper clips and other items into her pieces, making the surfaces uneven and creating different effects.
Lauand was the only artist among her contemporaries who signed her paintings, and signed on the front of the painting. This was seen as a more traditional approach, and was a rejection of the theoretical aesthetic of what other artists were doing.
Lauand works across many different mediums. As a painter, she creates works using acrylic, enamel, oil, and tempera paints, incorporating gouaches and/or collages. Lauand's output also takes the form of embroidery, sculptures, woodcuts, and tapestries.

Selected exhibitions

;Group exhibitions
;Solo exhibitions