Judi Radin

Judi Radin, née Friedenberg, is a professional American bridge player from New York City. She played also as Judi Solodar. Sometime prior to the 2014 European and World meets, Radin ranked 33rd among 73 Women World Grand Masters by world masterpoints and 21st by placing points that do not decay over time.
Radin is a graduate of Columbia University.
In North American competition, Radin was one of the 1974 Reisinger champions, a title few women have won. She played then as "J. Solodar" and for many years ACBL listed her then-husband John Solodar.
She became a World Bridge Federation woman grand master in 1987, along with her regular partner Kathie Wei, as one of two US teams won the biennial Venice Cup. At 37 years old she was the youngest woman WGM to that date. She returned to the Venice Cup field in 2011 and 2013 on two U.S. teams that finished fifth, and played on the U.S. national teams in the 2008 and 2012 World Mind Sports Games.

Bridge accomplishments
