Judge in charge of the Constitutional and Administrative Law List (Hong Kong)

The Judge in charge of the Constitutional and Administrative Law List of the Court of First Instance of Hong Kong, is the most important Law List in that court, given the far-reaching powers of interpreting the Hong Kong Basic Law. As such, the Judge in charge of this list is often considered to be the top judge of the lower court.


The list receives a material public interest in Hong Kong due to the fact that it is the first point of contact for most contentious court cases around issues that have caused public discussion or social unrest, including being in charge of all judicial reviews. These include cases around the Legislative Council oath-taking controversy, the Umbrella Movement, and the 2019–20 Hong Kong protests. In addition, given the important nature of this position, the Judge entrusted with this role is often almost guaranteed to be elevated to the higher courts in the future. So far, all Judges in this role have been promoted to at least the Court of Appeal.

List of Judges