Juan Bourré

Juan Bourré Andrade was an officer of the Argentine Army who served as commander of the 4° regimiento of artilleria of Villa Mercedes. He took part in the civil military conflicts of 1880 and 1890, and served as secretary of the Ministry of War of Argentina in 1910.


He was born on November 25, 1865 and was baptized by the presbyter Pedro Machado in the Parish of San Nicolás de Bari, on January 4, 1866, being his parents Juan Bourré Yañez, born in Spain, and Norberta Andrade de la Rosa. His sacrament was signed by the vicar of the parish Eduardo O'Gorman.
He was married in the Catedral de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción de Córdoba to Manuela Allende, daughter of Benjamín Allende and María del Pilar Acosta, belonging to a distinguished family of Creole roots.
Juan Bourre remained loyal to the national government during the Revolutions of 1880 and 1890, and participated in the last military campaigns of the Argentine army carried out during the Desert Conquest. He was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel on March 26, 1896, being destined to serve in the area of Río Cuarto, Córdoba. He was appointed as secretary of the Minister of War of the Argentine nation in 1906, and promoted to colonel in 1907.
His son, Alfredo Bourré Allende was a naval officer, who is found in the embarkation records of the Fragata Sarmiento of 1920.