
Jpred v.4 is the latest version of the JPred Protein Secondary Structure Prediction Server which provides predictions by the JNet algorithm, one of the most accurate methods for secondary structure prediction, that has existed since 1998 in different versions.
In addition to protein secondary structure, JPred also makes predictions of solvent accessibility and coiled-coil regions. The JPred service runs up to 134 000 jobs per month and has carried out over 2 million predictions in total for users in 179 countries.
The current version of JPred has the following improvements and updates incorporated:
The JPred v3 followed on from previous versions of JPred developed and maintained by James Cuff and Jonathan Barber. This release added new functionality and fixed lots of bugs. The highlights are:
The static HTML pages of JPred 2 are still available for reference.
Sequence residues are categorised or assigned to one of the secondary structure elements, such as alpha-helix, beta-sheet and coiled-coil.
Jnet uses two neural networks for its prediction. The first network is fed with a window of 17 residues over each amino acid in the alignment plus a conservation number. It uses a hidden layer of nine nodes and has three output nodes, one for each secondary structure element.
The second network is fed with a window of 19 residues plus the conservation number. It has a hidden layer with nine nodes and has three output nodes.