Journal of Transpersonal Psychology

The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology is a semi-annual, peer-reviewed academic journal which is published by the Association for Transpersonal Psychology. The journal is the principal publication in the field of Transpersonal psychology. According to sources the journal is addressing the interface between psychology and spirituality, and the area of spirituality as a legitimate topic for academic studies.
The journal was founded by Abraham Maslow and Anthony Sutich in 1969, and grew out of the humanistic psychology and counterculture of the late 1960s. According to Taylor the new journal was dedicated to the study of ultimate human capacities; unitive consciousness; peak experiences; ecstasy; mystical experiences; and self-transcendence. In the mid-1970s the journal was published by Transpersonal Institute.
Its current editor is Marcie Boucouvalas. Associate editor for research is Douglas A. MacDonald