Josephine (Chris Rea song)

"Josephine" is one of the most popular songs written and recorded by British singer-songwriter Chris Rea, released on 22 June 1985 on the album Shamrock Diaries. "Josephine" was written by Rea for his daughter of the same name. Rea would later pay the same compliment to his youngest daughter, Julia, on the album Espresso Logic.
The song has been sampled by French house band Superfunk on their 2000 single "Lucky Star".


Rea considered it as a blues song, and the "rhythm track for that song is supposed to be the Yellowjackets, Weather Report, and it grooves like hell, to me". However, it wasn't perceived in a same way by the record company and so were made several compromises.
"Josephine" is a track that Rea has re-recorded many times, existing in no less than 7 distinct versions:
The song enjoyed popularity on the Balearic beat scene in the 1980s.

Track listing
