José Eugenio Tello

José Eugenio Tello was an Argentine politician that governed the provinces of Jujuy, Chubut, and Río Negro.
Tello was born in San Salvador de Jujuy, Argentina. He was the son of José Tello, a Spanish businessman born in Zamora, and Josefa Zalazar, an Argentine woman.
He represented a variety of districts in the Jujuy legislature between 1875 and 1883: Ledesma Department from 1875 to 1876, Humahuaca from 1877 to 1878 and again in 1880, and San Pedro de Jujuy in 1879 and again from 1881 to 1883. He ultimately became president of the legislature, and then was elected governor of the province. From 1886 to 1895, he served as a senator for Jujuy in the national legislature. Then, from 1895 to 1898, he served as governor of Chubut. In 1897, he went to the Genoa Valley to put down a rebellion commanded by the cacique Salpul. A year later, he left Chubut territory and became governor of Río Negro territory, a post he held until 1905.
He died in 1924 in Buenos Aires, where he lived the last years of his life.