Jorge "Lobito" Martínez

Jorge "lobito" Martinez was a Paraguan musician. He was born in Asunción, Paraguay’s capital, on May 11, 1952, son of the singer, guitarist, composer, and folklorist Eladio Martínez and Aida Ayala.

First steps

He studied piano with Margarita Morosoli de Picardo from age 6 to 11, and then with Nelly Jimenez, Pedro Burian and at the Leonor Aranda's High Pianistic Studies Institute.
His harmony teachers were Luis Cañete and Carlos Schwartzman.
From age 22 and until 1983 he was part of the pop group "Los Aftermad's;" with them he recorded many albums, including songs written by him.
In the 80s he was part of the jazz group "Opus 572," and he mostly offered classic piano recitals on his own.



Among his main works:
He died at the age of 50, murdered, in January 2003.