Jon Papernick

Jonathan "Jon" Papernick is a Canadian-born American short story writer, novelist and storyteller.


Papernick was born in Toronto, Ontario. He is the author of The Ascent of Eli Israel, a collection of short stories set in Israel during the collapse of the Oslo Peace Accords, the short story collection There Is No Other, the limited-edition anthology of erotic short fiction XYXX, and the novel The Book of Stone. His work has appeared in the anthologies Lost Tribe: Jewish Fiction From The Edge and Scribblers on the Roof: Contemporary Jewish Fiction and numerous literary journals.
In the summer of 2010, Papernick began hand-selling his books via pushcart at farmers' markets in New England and New York as Papernick the Book Peddler. The name is an homage to the classic Yiddish writer Sholem Yankev Abramovich, AKA Mendele Mocher Sforim Papernick the Book Peddler's motto is: Bringing Market-Fresh Fiction Directly to the People.
He is a senior writer-in-residence at Emerson College in Boston, Massachusetts.