John Woodbridge V

John Woodbridge V was rector of the parish of Stanton, near Highworth in Wiltshire, England. In his work Magnalia, Reverend Cotton Mather extolled John as "a minister so able and faithful as to obtain an high esteem among those that at all knew the invaluable worth of such a minister." John Woodbridge was deceased well before Mather was born though, so the quote may actually refer to his son, John Woodbridge VI.


John Woodbridge was born at Stanton, near Highworth, Wiltshire, England, in 1582 to Reverend John Woodbridge IV and died 9 December 1637 at Stanton. He was fifth in a line of men by the same name — all ministers — the first of whom, Reverend John Woodbridge I, was a follower of John Wycliffe, a 14th-century translator of the Bible.


John Woodbridge married Sarah Parker, born 1583 at Cholderton, Wiltshire, England, died 1683, daughter of the Reverend Robert Parker, M.A., of Wiltshire. In his work Magnalia, Reverend Cotton Mather described Sarah as a woman "who did so virtuously, that her own personal character would have made her highly esteemed, if a relation to such a father had not farther added unto the lustre of her character."
John Woodbridge and Sarah Parker were the parents of the following children: