John Witcombe

John Julian Witcombe is the Dean of Coventry in the Church of England.


After ordination in 1984, he served in Birtley, County Durham before moving to be the team Vicar of St Barnabas, Inham Nook, Nottingham. He was then vicar of St Luke’s, Lodge Moor, Sheffield the Team Rector in Uxbridge and later Dean of St John's College, Nottingham. Before his appointment as Dean of Coventry, Witcombe was the Diocese of Gloucester's Diocesan Directors of Ordinands and then Director of Discipleship and Ministry, and a Residentiary Canon at Gloucester Cathedral. He is a member of General Synod and is a national advisor for selecting potential clergy for the Church of England. He was instituted Dean of Coventry on 19 January 2013.


Editor of The Curate's Guide: From calling to first parish
Author with John Leach of Grove books 'Hanging on to God: sustaining ministry in the renewal tradition'
Author with John Leach and Mark Tanner of Grove Books 'Renewing the Traditional Church'

Personal life

Witcombe is married to Ricarda, who is also a priest. They married in 2000 after the death of his first wife Maureen Edwards. Between them, Witcombe and Ricarda have a son and four daughters.
