John D. Roth

John D. Roth is the current editor of The Mennonite Quarterly Review. He received his PhD from the University of Chicago. His books include Beliefs: Mennonite Faith and Practice, Choosing Against War: A Christian View, and Stories: How Mennonites Came to Be. He discussed his book on war in several places including the Netherlands. He has also written for Christianity Today concerning the Amish.
Roth edited Constantine Revisited: Leithart, Yoder, and the Constantinian Debate, a collection of essays by Christian pacifists criticizing Peter Leithart's argument that Constantine steered the Church in the wrong direction by abandoning Christ's doctrine of nonviolence, exemplified by his willingness to die rather than defend himself, and arguing instead that God did not want Christians to live as a powerless, oppressed minority.
He currently teaches at Goshen College.