John D. Gardner

John D. 'Jack' Gardner is a retired Lieutenant General in the United States Army. He is the former deputy commander of EUCOM, in Stuttgart, Germany. During his career he served in Europe, Asia, Latin America, Bosnia, Iraq and numerous locations throughout the United States. He currently serves as the Director of the 21st Century Jobskills Project, a nonprofit organization focused on assisting public school students in transitioning to true living wage jobs. Gardner is a native of Columbus, Ohio.

Past assignments

Deputy Commander MNF-I for detainee operations

Gardner was assigned as Deputy Commander for detainee operations/Commander of Task Force 134, Multinational Force Iraq. His oversight included all detainee operations at Camp Bucca, Camp Cropper, Fort Suse and Abu Ghraib prison as well as operations at Camp Ashraf. Both Fort Suse and Abu Ghraib prison were returned to Iraq control during his tenure.

U.S. Army South

Gardner was the Commander of the United States Army South where he oversaw American military operations in 31 countries and 13 dependencies, in Central and South America and the Caribbean. His Operational Area of Responsibility covers over 15.6 million square miles of area, or one-sixth of the world's surface area.

Other assignments

Gardner is a graduate of West Point and the Army Command and General Staff College. In addition Gardner holds a Masters from Georgetown University, and completed a Senior Service College Fellowship at Harvard University.

U.S. decorations and badges