John Benedetto

John Joseph Benedetto is a Professor of Mathematics at the University of Maryland, College Park and is a leading researcher in wavelet analysis and Director of the Norbert Wiener Center for Harmonic Analysis and Applications. He was named Distinguished Scholar-Teacher by the University of Maryland in 1999 and has directed 58 Ph.D students. The volume , edited by Christopher Heil, describes his influence:
John J. Benedetto has had a profound influence not only on the direction of harmonic analysis and its applications, but also on the entire community of people involved in the field.

He was a Senior Fulbright-Hays Scholar, and was awarded the 2011 SPIE Wavelet Pioneer award. He is also a Fellow of the American Mathematical Society and a SIAM Fellow.


Benedetto attended Boston College, graduating in 1960 with a B.A. in Mathematics. He received an M.A. from Harvard University in 1962, and a Ph.D. from the University of Toronto in 1964. He was the first student to receive a Ph.D. from then 37-year-old Chandler Davis. His dissertation was The Laplace Transform of Generalized Functions.
Garrett Birkhoff was the thesis advisor of Chandler Davis, and Birkhoff did not have a Ph.D. but was a member of the Society of Fellows at Harvard.


Benedetto is founding Editor-in-Chief of the , founded in 1994 and published by Springer-Birkhäuser. He is also founding and current editor of the Springer-Birkhäuser book series. He has edited or authored 18 books and published over 185 research papers. Some of his books are the following.