Joan Carreras i Goicoechea

Joan Carreras i Goicoechea is a Spanish journalist, screenwriter and writers in Catalan language.


Son of Joan Carreras i Martí, he is associated lecturer in the Faculty of Communication at Blanquerna, where he teaches digital journalism. He worked for a decade at the broadcasting company Corporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals, where he was director of Canal 33 and in charge of the creation of the program Info-K. At website he has experimented with new formats and digital narratives. He has also worked for several newspapers, as Avui, Diari de Barcelona and El Temps.
Cafè Barcelona is the fifth novel by Joan Carreras. His characters often don't express what they really mean. They have secrets. They are moving between Amsterdam and Barcelona, and the blame pursues them. The writer gives them another opportunity. The novel was awarded the Premi Ciutat de Barcelona at 2014.
By 2014, he also received the Premi Sant Jordi de novel·la for his novel L'àguila negra.


Story collections