Jitendra Nath Mohanty

Jitendra Nath Mohanty is an emeritus professor of philosophy at Temple University. Born in Cuttack, in 1928 in Orissa, India, Professor Mohanty had a distinguished career where he stood first in all public examinations and in B.A. and M.A. examinations at the University of Calcutta. Subsequently, he did a Ph.D. from University of Göttingen in 1954. In his long academic career, he had taught at the University of Burdwan, University of Calcutta, New School for Social Research, University of Oklahoma, Emory University, and Temple University and has held visiting professorships at many renowned universities.
Professor Mohanty's area of expertise includes both western philosophy and eastern philosophy. He has written over twenty scholarly books and numerous journal articles on different areas of philosophy including epistemology, logic, and phenomenology. He has written extensively on Immanuel Kant, founded Husserl Studies, and has published a major book on the development of Edmund Husserl’s thought.
Professor Mohanty has been a past-president of the Indian Philosophical Congress, the Society for Asian and Comparative philosophy. His other honours include a gold medal from the Asiatic Society, Kolkata, and the Humboldt Prize from the German government in honor of his scholarly work. He received an honorary D.Litt. from the University of Calcutta in 2013 and an honorary doctorate from Ravenshaw University in 2017.

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