Jimmy Two-Shoes

Jimmy Two-Shoes is a Canadian animated children's television series that aired on Disney XD in the US, Teletoon in Canada, and Jetix in the United Kingdom. The series were centered on the exploits of the happy-go-lucky title character, who lives in Miseryville, a miserable town filled with monsters and demon-like creatures. The series was created by Edward Kay and Sean Scott.
The series originally premiered on February 21, 2009 on Canada, with the final episode premiered on April 5, 2012; though, broadcasts were still run until December 2017. In the US, it premiered on February 13 the same year, ending its run on July 15, 2011, spanning 2 seasons. In the UK, it began broadcasting on 18 April 2009 on Jetix, with later episodes and Season 2 premiering after the Disney XD rebrand. Reruns were being shown on the channel until 2017.


The series follows the adventures of Jimmy, a happy-go-lucky boy who makes it his mission to find fun everywhere he goes. This is a challenge because Jimmy lives in Miseryville, the unhappiest town around, run by the megalomaniacal Lucius Heinous the Seventh. Miseryville has one main industry: Misery Inc., purveyors of putrid products guaranteed to cause grief; and they do not come with a money-back guarantee. Along with his best friends Heloise and Beezy, Jimmy is determined to surf past all obstacles and bring his infectious enthusiasm to the whole town.




Jimmy Two Shoes is shown in Canada on Teletoon in the English and French-language channels, the last one broadcasting the series with the name of Jimmy l'Intrépide. In the US, it aired on Disney XD premiering on February 13, 2009. The show aired in Australia on Cartoon Network and in Latin America on Nickelodeon starting in 2009. The New Zealand premier was in 2010 on TVNZ. The show began broadcasting in the UK and Ireland on April 18, 2009 on Jetix, in pair with the show's premiere in the rest of Europe on the same channel. In most of Europe, the series is called Jimmy Cool; in Italy, Jimmy Jimmy, and in France it's Jimmy l'Éclate.
Reruns are being carried by Boomerang in Australia and New Zealand since October 6, 2014. It was also aired on CITV's Toonattik Programming Block in the UK.
In the Philippines, it premiered in June 2017 on TV5 inside the Boomerang on TV5 block, dubbed in Filipino.


Jimmy Two Shoes was nominated for 2 awards for best animated series or program and best performance in an animated series or program at the 2011 Gemini Awards.