Jim Connors (politician)

James Patrick Connors is an American politician who served as the 28th Mayor of Scranton, Pennsylvania, for twelve years from 1990 until 2002.
Connors worked as Scranton's Director of Community Development for four years prior becoming mayor in 1990.
Connors switched his party affiliation from Democrat to Republican prior to running for Mayor of Scranton in 1989. He won the 1989 mayoral election, defeating Democrat Jerry Notarianni to win the first of three consecutive terms. Connors received approximately 15,000 votes, while Notarianni placed second with 13,500 votes.
Connors supported Ed Rendell's successful gubernatorial candidacy in 2002. In 2003, Pennsylvania Governor Rendell appointed Connors as the deputy director of his Northeast Pennsylvania office. Connors retired from the position at the end of 2009 to focus on his family and volunteer work.