Jewish Restitution Successor Organization

The Jewish Restitution Successor Organization Inc. was founded in 1947 in New York by various American and international Jewish organizations. Originally, it was incorporated on May 15, 1947, as the Jewish Restitution Commission, but in 1948 changed its name to the Jewish Restitution Successor Organization at the request of American military authorities.


The JRSO founders were twelve of the largest Jewish organizations worldwide: American, British, French, Zionist, an organization representing the interests of the Jewish congregations in the American Zone and an international organization.
The goal of the JRSO was to institute proceedings in the American occupation zone for the restitution of heirless property of murdered persons and dissolved organizations that had been pursued on racial grounds under the Nazi regime. The assets obtained in this manner were distributed by the JRSO to Jewish institutions and organizations, primarily in the USA and Israel. In the United States, funds were distributed through various communal organizations, such as the American Federation of Jews from Central Europe.
The parallel organizations in the British and French zones of Germany were the Jewish Trust Corporation Ltd. and the Jewish Trust Corporation Branche Française.


Proceedings of the 5th International Academic Conference, Podebrady, 8–9 October 2013 pp. 84–91