Jesper Skaaning

Jesper Skaaning is a Danish electronic musician, producer and film composer.
He started his career as a guitarist in various experimental punk bands in the early 1980s and was inspired by European electropop and early electronic Music, especially by Kraftwerk. At that time he formed a band, Acustisk Ungdom, from which he later took his name.
He formed the Future 3 electronic trio together with Anders Remmer and Thomas Knak in 1994.
He is also a member of People Press Play and has a duo project with Remmer,
Jesper & Anders a.k.a. Recycler 202.
With his sense of harmony, and his consciously minimalist approach, Skaaning constructs a sound which is forthcoming without trying too hard to please.
At the moment Jesper is working together with guitar and bassplayer Djon on the side project Spring, which is a return to more guitar oriented material with discrete use of vocals.
