Jerry Dunn (runner)

Jerry Alan Dunn is an American athlete dubbed "America's Marathon Man" by Jim Murray of the LA Times. His running career began in 1975 and has spanned 45 years, breaking world records, seeing the creation of nationally acclaimed events, and culminating in a 3,000 mile bike and run down the East Coast Greenway.

Early life

Dunn was 18 years old when his father died of a coronary heart attack, courtesy of an unhealthy lifestyle. Dunn attributes this event to be a precursor to what would become a 25-year drinking career and evolution into a high-functioning alcoholic.
At age 29, while working in Sarasota, Dunn answered a challenge by a lifeguard friend to run along the beach. He did so for a half mile, barefoot, and from that moment he was a running convert.
On Dunn's 37th birthday, he finally admitted to having a problem with alcohol. "I turned to running as my replacement obsession," Dunn says, "and never stopped moving since then."

Running accolades

After the 200 in 2000 project's completion, Dunn directed his passion for running into a new arena and brought four events to the Black Hills of South Dakota.
He began in 2002 with the Deadwood Mickelson Trail Marathon. The entire course is run on the George Mickelson Trail and reviews declare it some of the most beautiful scenery to run in.
Dunn followed this up with the Lean Horse Ultra Marathon, also along the Mickelson Trail, which saw its first race in 2005.
In 2010, Dunn and his business partner, Emily Wheeler, added Run Crazy Horse to their growing portfolio of events. Dunn would eventually sell these races to Wheeler, assured they would be in good hands.
The Black Hills 100 Ultra Marathon, created by Ryan Phillips and Chris Stores, two of Dunn's mentees, is the latest event to have his influence.

Philanthropic work

America's Marathon Man continues to advocate for the legalization of cannabis and how it may positively impact veterans and aging Baby Boomers. Dunn believes in the potential of medicinal cannabis to help treat conditions such PTSD, arthritis, and more.
Dunn also promotes the use of cannabis for athletes, believing the stigma historically attached to cannabis users is unfounded. He knows from personal experience that CBD, in particular, is vital in relieving both mental stress and physical pain after training and competitive events. His company, Marathon Man CBD, caters products to this population through topical salves and sprays.
