Jeffrey Yong

Jeffrey Yong is a Malaysian Luthier best known for his use of local Malaysian wood, such as monkeypod, rengas, mango, rambutan and Malaysian blackwood. The use of non-traditional wood to build musical instruments has not only placed Jeffrey Yong guitars in international markets but also as one of the top luthiers in the . Jeffrey has gained international recognition and has been invited to exhibit his instruments in several international conventions.


Jeffrey Yong started out as a guitar instructor and examiner in 1976. Nonetheless, Jeffrey's love to arts and music led to the building of his first maiden guitar in 1985 from a DIY kit. Jeffrey also traveled abroad to further improve his guitar-making skills. However, it all started when he was questioned by a local overseas luthier why he was sourcing material from overseas when Malaysia exports good quality wood. This conversation inspired him to look into non-traditional wood as building materials for musical instruments. Since then it has led to a chain of events.
As an artisan who was reluctant to remain just another guitar-luthier, Jeffrey continued to innovate and find his niche. Jeffrey has constantly pushed himself to acquire other forms of knowledge and experiences which has led to his extensive knowledge in wood especially those in tropical regions.
He founded the Guitar Institute Malaysia in 1993 specializing in teaching various genres of guitar playing and guitar construction. He has also taught at the Luthier School International in California. His skill in luthiery has been mostly self-taught.
In 2006, his full monkeypod OM Guitar won the Blind Listening Test at the Guild of American Luthier's convention as the best sounding guitar in terms of tonality, timbre and sustain. With two of his guitars in the top three. Other's in this category were notable luthiers like, Erwin Somogyi.
Jeffrey's guitars have been exhibited at Healdsburg Guitar Festival, Shanghai Music Festival, and Montreal Guitar Show. At the Montreal Guitar Show 2011, He premiered his JJ Blackie as well as his innovation "Seismic" a JJ shaped 10-string, which was featured by Premier Guitar Magazine.
YearConventions & FestivalsPlaceAchievements
1993Guitar Institute Malaysia Malaysia- Founder
1998Guild of American Luthier's ConventionTacoma, Washington, USA- Introduction of Malaysian Blackwood internationally
2006Guild of American Luthier's ConventionTacoma, Washington, USA- Introduction of Monkeypod wood
- OM Guitar won the Blind Listening Test
- Best sounding guitar in terms of tonality, timbre and sustain
2011Montreal Guitar Show- JJ Blackie & Seismic was featured by Premier Guitar Magazine
2012Kirov Moscow International Guitar MakingMoscow, Russia- Classical Guitar Tioman III won first price
2012Sound Messe OsakaOsaka, Japan
2013Malaysian International Guitar Festival Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2013Healdsburg Guitar Festival- Featured on Guitar Player Editor
2013Tokyo Handcrafted Guitar ShowTokyo, Japan
2014Malaysian International Guitar Festival Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2014Guild of American Luthier's ConventionTacoma, Washington, USA
2015Osaka Music FestivalOsaka, Japan
2016Shanghai Music FestivalShanghai, China

Types of Non-Traditional Woods

Malaysian Blackwood
- Jeffrey's extensive knowledge in woods has led to the introduction of the Malaysian Blackwood in international waters during the 1998 GAL convention in Tacoma, Washington, USA. Since the inception, the popularity of Malaysian Blackwood has grown tremendously. The Malaysian Blackwood carries many premium qualities for musical instruments making that are unparalleled. Today, the Malaysia Blackwood has established it position firmly at the level of premium tonewoods in the musical instruments making industry.
Monkeypod Wood
- Formally known as Albizia saman and previously only used for aesthetic purposes, monkeypod was pioneered as a tonewood by Jeffrey Yong and has recently been applied by other luthiers such as Bamburg guitars.
- Up to 99% of this guitar was built using hardwoods. Its presence at the 2006 GAL convention was evidently heard and felt during an acoustic guitar blind-test listening session. This non-conventional built has triumphed over the other acoustic guitars in the session. The tonal characteristic was unique and impressionable to everyone who was present. Eventually the audience has unanimously regarded the Monkeypod guitar as the one that possessed the most desired tonal characteristics.
- While using Monkeypod wood to build guitar isn't new but it has never been regarded as a premium tonewood in the musical instruments making industry. The showdown in 2006's GAL convention has certainly illuminated its profile. The popularity of this unique wood has been never stopped growing since.

Guitar Models

All instruments build in Jeffrey's workshop are by hand excluding the regular hardware and electronic parts that are pre-purchased and installed. Jeffrey's guitars are made with 99 percent local woods, the remaining 1 percent accounts for the maple veneer used in the bindings. Monkeypod wood is used as a standard for all Jeffrey Yong guitars. The braces designs and layout are influenced by the Martin's X-scalloped braces patterns, Torres Fan bracing and the Smallman Lattice bracing.
Steel String Guitars
Classical Guitars
The JJ is a hybrid of a classical guitar and a jumbo, it has uses a scallop "x" bracing, and a unique bridge which offers more mass than the conventional bridge.
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