Jeffrey Bishop

Jeffrey Paul Bishop is a philosopher, bioethicist, author and the Tenet Endowed Chair of Health Care Ethics at Saint Louis University. The director of the Albert Gnaegi Center for Health Care Ethics, he is most widely recognized and cited for work in medical ethics as relating to death and dying in addition to contributions in the field of medical humanities. Bishop is a physician, holds a Doctorate of Philosophy from the University of Dallas and serves on the editorial boards of both the Journal of Medicine and Philosophy and the Journal of Christian Bioethics for Oxford University Press.


Bishop grew up in Texas and graduated as a Medical Doctor from the University of Texas Medical School Houston and a Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Dallas, before joining the faculty of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in 1996. He was the principal lecturer on Medical Ethics and Law at the Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry of the University of Exeter and University of Plymouth in the United Kingdom and later directed the Clinical Ethics Education and Consultation Services at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Bishop also held the position of Associate Professor of Theological Ethics and an active hospitalist at Vanderbilt University before assuming the directorship of the Albert Gnaegi Center for Health Care Ethics in July 2010.
Bishop contributes regularly to numerous journals as well as the Australian Broadcasting Corporation "Religion and Ethics" page. He has edited several special edition journals for Christian Bioethics and the Journal of Medicine and Philosophy for which he sits on the editorial board and is the assistant editor of the Philosophy and Medicine" series, Springer Publishing and on the editorial advisory board of Medicine Studies. Bishop is a member of the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities and the American Academy of Religion.
Bishop's scholarly work explores the historical, social, political, and philosophical conditions that underpin contemporary medical and scientific practices and theories.
Bishop's first book is
The Anticipatory Corpse:Medicine, Power, and the Care of the Dying'' which explores the historical, political, and philosophical underpinnings of our care of the dying and, finally, the possibilities of change. It is published by Notre Dame Press.

