Jeff Elbel

Jeff Elbel is an American musician, songwriter, and producer currently based near Chicago, Illinois. He is also a frequent journalist for publications including the Chicago Sun-Times. He runs a recording studio and is included in many bands, one of these being "Jeff Elbel+Ping". He is also included in Tom Sharpe's band.


Jeff Elbel + Ping: Gallery
Jeff Elbel + Ping: Peanut Gallery EP
Jeff Elbel + Ping: The Eleventh Hour Storybook
Jeff Elbel + Ping: The Eleventh Hour Songbook
Jeff Elbel + Ping: Engine of Destruction
Jeff Elbel + Ping: Loyal to You
Jeff Elbel + Ping: Suffer the Children, Compilation memorial with Theo Obrastoff 2003
Jeff Elbel + Ping: "You Still Believe in Me"/Making God Smile
Jeff Elbel + Ping: No Outlet
Jeff Elbel + Ping: Live at the Crooked Bar
Jeff Elbel + Ping: "We the Living"/We the Living, Vol. III
Jeff Elbel + Ping: "Hell Oh"/When Worlds Collide
Jeff Elbel + Ping: "Miracle Rain"/RIM v.beta
Jeff Elbel + Ping: "Hell Oh"/
Jeff Elbel + Ping: "Miracle Rain" /Looper's Delight, Volume II
Ping/Aunt Bettys: "Popsicle Stick"/Ford Supersonic
Tom Sharpe: Lifting the World
Mumble: "Happy Living"
North: Drowning In Sky
King Never: Orphans, Misfits, & Fragments
Andrewesley: Strength
Andrewesley: All I Wanted to Say EP
Aaron Sprinkle: The Boy Who Stopped the World
Hopescope: Bring in the Sun
D.A.S.: Saving Grace
Phil Madeira: "It'll Do For Now"/Live from the Acoustic Stage
D.A.S.: Jesus Wants You to Buy this Record
D.A.S.: "Christmas"/A Live Tribute Recording for Gene Eugene
EDL: Moment of Clarity
LSU: Dogfish Jones
Blackball: "Message in a Bottle"/The Mother of all Tribute Albums
Farewell to Juliet: "Chase the Kangaroo"/To Cover You
Farewell to Juliet: Grace and Dire Circumstances
Sunny Day Roses: "Pop"/Courting Courtney
Jeff Elbel: "Miracle Rain "/Looper's Delight, Vol. II
Sunny Day Roses: "You Know What to Do"/RIM: v.beta
Jeff Elbel: "Miracle Rain"/RIM: v.beta
Blackball: Hope
Sunny Day Roses: Bloomshine!
Farewell to Juliet: "Sorrow and Pride"/Tastes Like Chicken
Farewell to Juliet: Echoes of Laughter