The Histoire de la délivrance de l'Église chrétienne par l'empereur Constantin, et de la grandeur et souveraineté temporelle donnée a l'Église romaine par les rois de France gave great offence at Rome, and a Declaration, directed against faults in the administration of the Oratory, was strictly suppressed. Morin is best known for his biblical and critical work. By his editing of the Samaritan Pentateuch and Targum, in the Paris Polyglott, he gave the first impulse in Europe to the study of this dialect, which he acquired without a teacher by the study of manuscripts newly brought to Europe. Not unnaturally, he formed a very exaggerated view of the value of the Samaritan tradition of the text. A similar tone of extreme depreciation of the Masoretic Hebrew text, colored by polemical bias against Protestantism, affects his major work, the posthumous Exercitationes biblicae de hebraeici graecique textus sinceritate, in which, following in the footsteps of Cappellus, he brought arguments against the then current theory ofthe absolute integrity of the Hebrew text and the antiquity of the vowel points.
Histoire de la délivrance de l'Église par l'empereur Constantin, et de la grandeur et souveraineté temporelle donnée à l'Église romaine par les rois de France, Paris, 1630.
Commentarius historicus de disciplina in administratione sacramenti Poenitentiae tredecim primis seculis in ecclesia occidentali, et huc usque in orientali observata, in decem libros distinctus, Henri Fricx, Bruxelles, 1685..
Antiquitates Ecclesiae Orientalis, Clarissimorum Virorum... Dissertationibus Epistolicis enucleatae; Nunc ex Ipsis Autographis Editae., Geo. Wells, Londres 1682. Publié par Richard Simon.
Commentarius de sacris Ecclesiae ordinationibus secundum antiquos et recentiores Latinos, Graecos, Syros et Babylonios in tres partes distinctus, 1reéd. en 1655, 2e éd. à Amsterdam en 1695.
, in cui egli sosteneva che il testo samaritano e la Septuaginta dovevano essere preferiti al testo ebraico, una posizione che ha di nuovo nei seguenti lavori: "Exercitationes biblicae de Hebraei Graecique textus sinceritate..." ;
"Commentarius historicus de disciplina in administratione sacramenti Poenitentiae XIII primus saeculis" ; *"Commentarius sacris Ecclesiae ordinationibus".