Jean Baptiste Androuet du Cerceau
Jean Baptiste Androuet du Cerceau was a French architect who designed the Pont Neuf, spanning the Seine, Paris, and became supervisor of the royal works under Henri III and Henri IV, including the Louvre. Several hôtels particuliers are ascribed to him. The Hôtel d'Angoulême, the Hôtel de Lamoignon, which houses the Historical Library of the City of Paris, and the Hôtel de Mayenne. The Hôtel de Mayenne, with rhythmically varied dormer windows set in a high slate roof, has the pediments of its piano nobile windows superposed on the frieze above.
According to Benezit, Reynaud presumed that Paul Androuet du Cerceau, a French goldsmith and engraver, was Jean Baptiste's son, but Paul is now thought to be the grandson of Jacques II Androuet du Cerceau.