Javanese numerals
The Javanese language has a decimal numeral system with distinct words for the 'tweens' from 21 to 29, called likuran.
The basic numerals 1–10 have independent and combining forms, the latter derived via a suffix -ng. The combining forms are used to form the tens, hundreds, thousands, and millions. The numerals 1–5 and 10 have distinct high-register and low register forms. The halus forms are listed below in italics.
Like English, Javanese has compound forms for the teens; however, it also has a series of compound 'tweens', 21–29. The teens are based on a root -las, the tweens on -likur, and the tens are formed by the combining forms. Hyphens are not used in the orthography, but have been added to the table below to clarify their derivation.
Final orthographic -a tends to in many dialects, as does any preceding a.
Javanese | Hindu–Arabic | Unit | Teens | Tweens | Tens |
꧑ | 1 | siji setunggal | sewelas/suwelas setunggalwelas | selikur setunggallikur | sepuluh sedasa sejinah |
꧒ | 2 | loro kalih | rolas kalihwelas | rolikur/lolikur kalihlikur | rongpuluh kalihdasa rong-jinah |
꧓ | 3 | telu tiga | telulas tigangwelas/tigawelas | telulikur tiganglikur tigalikur | telungpuluh tigangdasa telungjinah |
꧔ | 4 | papat sekawan | patbelas/pakbelas sekawanwelas | patlikur/pakdelikur sekawanlikur | patangpuluh/petangpuluh patangdasa/petangdasa patangjinah |
꧕ | 5 | lima gangsal | limalas gangsalwelas | selawé selangkung | séket setunggalléket limangjinah |
꧖ | 6 | nem | nembelas | nemlikur | sewidak/suwidak nemdasa nemjinah |
꧗ | 7 | pitu | pitulas | pitulikur | pitungpuluh pitungdasa pitungjinah |
꧘ | 8 | wolu | wolulas | wolulikur | wolungpuluh wolungdasa wolungjinah |
꧙ | 9 | sanga | sangalas | sangalikur | sangangpuluh sangangdasa sangangjinah |
Parallel to the tens are the hundreds ; the thousands, and the millions, except that the compounds of five and six are formed with limang- and nem-.
Old Javanese numerals
The names of the Old Javanese numerals were derived from their names in the Sanskrit language.Native | Unit | Teens | Tweens | Tens | |
1 | ꧑ | eka esa | éka-dasa 11 | eka-dwidasa 21 | dasa 10 |
2 | ꧒ | dwi | dwi-dasa 12 | dwi-dwidasa 22 | wingsati 20 |
3 | ꧓ | tri | tri-dasa 13 | tri-dwidasa 23 | trinisat 30 |
4 | ꧔ | catur | catur-dasa 14 | catur-dwidasa 24 | catrawingsat 40 |
5 | ꧕ | panca | panca-dasa 15 | panca-dwidasa 25 | pancasat 50 |
6 | ꧖ | sad | sad-dasa 16 | sad-dwidasa 26 | sasthi 60 |
7 | ꧗ | sapta | sapta-dasa 17 | sapta-dwidasa 27 | saptati 70 |
8 | ꧘ | asta | asta-dasa 18 | asta-dwidasa 28 | astiti 80 |
9 | ꧙ | nawa | nawa-dasa 19 | nawa-dwidasa 29 | nawati 90 |