
Jarjouh is a village in Lebanon, located in the Nabatieh District, Nabatieh Governorate.
between the villages of Houmin Al Fawqa, Arabsalim, Jbaa, Ain Bouswar, Alwayizeh, Soujod, Ain Qana. The village sits on the shoulder of Mleeta hills, with Oak forests on the surrounding mountains. Al Zahrani River spring starts in Jarjouh known as Al Taseh spring. The demography of Jarjouh is approx. 50% Christian and 50% Muslim.


Some scholars attribute the origin of this town's name to the Hebrew word meaning “the shaved, the hairless or the bald.” Others trace it back to a combination of two root words meaning “drinking and shortage.”
The town has some grottos at a place called “Al-Chir” and also features waterways relating to Zenobia, ancient queen of Tadmor.