January 1972 lunar eclipse

A total lunar eclipse took place on January 30, 1972, the first of two lunar eclipses in 1972. The moon entered the Earth's penumbral shadow at 30 January 1972 08:03:12.5 UTC and exited at 30 January 1972 13:43:37.9 UTC. The moon entered the Earth's umbral shadow at 30 January 1972 09:11:38.4 UTC and exited at 30 January 1972 12:35:03.1 UTC. Totality lasted 34 minutes, 47.7 seconds, between 10:35:57.4 UTC and 11:10:45.1 UTC.


It was completely visible over eastern Asia, New Zealand, northwestern North America, seen rising over Asia and Australia and setting over North America western South America.

Relation to other lunar eclipses

Lunar year series

Half-Saros cycle

A lunar eclipse will be preceded and followed by solar eclipses by 9 years and 5.5 days. This lunar eclipse is related to two annular solar eclipses of Solar Saros 140.
January 25, 1963February 4, 1981