Janet Maratita

Janet Ulloa Maratita is a politician from the Northern Mariana Islands. She represents District No. 1 in the Northern Mariana Islands House of Representatives, of which she currently serves as Vice-Speaker. She chairs the Committee on Health and Welfare for the Saipan and Northern Islands Legislative Delegation, and is vice-chair of the Health Committee; she is also a member of the Ways and Means Committee. She is currently a member of the Republican Party. Maratita was appointed to the 17th Legislature in 2011, replacing Diego Benavente; she had previously served in the House in the 14th Legislature. At the time an independent, she sat alongside Felicidad Ogumoro and Teresita Santos, marking the first time three women were simultaneously members of the body. In 2014 she declared her intent to run for a seat in the Northern Mariana Islands Senate in the election of 2014. Returned once more to the House of Representatives in 2016, she was elected Vice-Speaker when positions were meted out. Earlier in her political career Maratita gained attention for leading a lawsuit against then-governor Benigno Fitial, later co-authoring one of the two resolutions passed by the House calling for his impeachment. She later claimed that Senator Juan Ayuyu had repeatedly threatened her life in a telephone conversation regarding the lawsuit.
Maratita has five children. In her professional life she has worked as a program manager for the Diabetes and Non-Communicable Disease Control of the Department of Public Health.