Jamtara block

Jamtara is a community development block that forms an administrative division in Jamtara district, Jharkhand state, India.


is located at.
Jamtara CD Block has 22 panchayats and 150 villages.
Panchayats of Jamtara CD Block are: Barjora, Bewa, Chalna, Chandradipa, Chengaidih, Duladih, Gopalpur, Jiajori, Kushbhedia, Ladhna, Menjhiya, Pnjaniya, Piyalsola, Ranidih, Shahardal, Shaharpura, Siulibari, Sonbad, Sukhjora, Supaidih and Udalbani.


As per 2011 Census of India, Jamtara CD Block had a total population of 132,600, all of which were rural. There were 67,389 males and 65,211 females. Scheduled Castes numbered 9,182 and Scheduled Tribes numbered 60,008. Population below 6 years was 20,497.


census the total number of literates in Jamtara CD Block was 74,330 out of which 45,003 were males and 29,327 were females.
census, Primary Census Abstract Tables Jamtara district had a population of above 6 years of 660,049 and the total number of literates in the district were 426,312. According to District Census 2011, literacy in Jamtara district was 64.59.Literacy in Jharkhand was 66.41% in 2011. Literacy in India in 2011 was 74.04%.
See alsoList of Jharkhand districts ranked by literacy rate


The Ranigunj-Kiul section of the Howrah-Delhi main line was in position in 1871. It provided rail link for Jamtara.