Jamshid Momtaz

Jamshid Momtaz is an Iranian jurist and academic.
He earned his degree in public law at the Faculty of Law and Economy from University of Paris.
In 1968, he graduated from the Institut d'études politiques de Paris and held his PhD in public law at the Faculty of Law, Economics and Social Sciences of Panthéon-Assas University.
He started his career as assistant professor in University of Paris X in 1968 and pursued in Iran since 1974 as professor at the University of Tehran.
From 1979 to 1982, he chaired the Center for International Studies of the University of Tehran.
Meanwhile, as an academician, Jamshid Momtaz has held teaching courses at home and abroad since 1969 at different institutions including Institut des hautes études internationales in Paris, University of Law, Economics and Social Sciences, Paris II, University of Paris X, University of Grenoble II, University of Paris XI, University of Paris XIII, University of Caen and visiting professor at the University of Paris I .
He is currently teaching International humanitarian law at the School of International Relations affiliated with the Iranian ministry of foreign affairs to the next generations of Iranian diplomats.
He was an advisor to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran and former member of the International Law Commission of the United Nations from 2000 until 2006 .
He is a Fellow of the Institute of International Law and member of several organizations :
As an expert, Jamshid Momtaz was part of the Iranian delegation in charge of nuclear talks with major powers .

Articles and chapters in edited works

Dr Momtaz is the author of more than 90 publications including books, chapters in edited works, articles in journals and yearbooks in French, English and Persian on diverse issues of international law.