Jamia Nizamia Ghousia

Darul Uloom Jamia Nizamia Ghousia is the Islamic seminary of /sunni Muslims. It was established by Mohammad Abdul Ghafoor Hazarvi, Where he served as the Mohatmim and Grand Mufti. Later on his son Mufti Abdul Shakoor Hazarvi took over as Mohatmim till April 2010. The Jamia has prominently known for the great Ulama and Huffaz of Quran and Hadith it produced. It continues the tradition of the Darul uloom system initiated by Darul Uloom Bareily.

Academic Disciplines

The Jamiah has the following division of Studies:
The Darul Uloom has divided its education system into six major levels:
All the students are residents of the madrasah. The Jamiah gives free education to all students. It also lends them textbooks. Those students who attain an excellent result in the examination are rewarded. Moreover, the Jamiah provides 500 orphans and poor and distressed students with food and accommodation.

Notable alumni
