James Williams Riddleberger

James Williams Riddleberger,, was a United States diplomat and career foreign service officer. During his career, he served three ambassadorships: in Austria, Yugoslavia and Greece.

Early life and education

Riddleberger was born in Washington,D.C. He earned a B.A, from Randolph-Macon College in 1924 and MA in Foreign Service from Georgetown University in 1926. He also attended American University from 1926–27 and was an assistant professor for international relations at Georgetown University from 1926 to 1929. Before joining the Foreign Service in 1929, he worked for the Library of Congress and Tariff Commission.


Riddleberger began his foreign service career in Geneva, where he served as Vice Consul and later as Consul at the League of Nations and Berlin as Third Secretary and Second Secretary. He served as chief of the Central European Affairs division during the Second World War.
After the war, he became the chief political adviser to General Lucius D. Clay and later to John J. McCloy in occupied Germany. He was then transferred to Paris in 1950 to serve as a senior political advisor aiding in the administration of the Marshall Plan.
He served as director of the Bureau of German Affairs before beginning a four-year term as ambassador to Yugoslavia.
After Yugoslavia broke away from the Soviet orbit of influence in 1948, Riddleberger was credited with persuading Josip Broz Tito to rebuff coaxing by Nikita Khrushchev to return.
As Ambassador to Greece, he worked to smooth relations between Greece and Turkey in their dispute over Cyprus.


Mr. Riddleberger, died at the age of 78 at Shenandoah County Memorial Hospital of a heart attack.