His research explores a range of policy outcomes, including economic growth and the distribution of income under programs of economic reform, the foreign policy positions of developing countries, the transparency of policy making under different political institutions, and the commitment of governments to defend human rights. His research addresses the ways in which international institutions interact with domestic politics. The domestic institutions he has focused on include both democracies and dictatorships, as well as intermediate regimes. His research is most known for its treatment of international institutions, particularly the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the United Nations Security Council. His first book, entitled The IMF and Economic Development, was critically and favorably reviewed by several scholars. He has more recently published an introductory book about the IMF, entitled The International Monetary Fund: Politics of Conditional Lending, which was carefully critiqued in a 20-page review by the deputy director of the IMF’s External Relations Department. He is also the co-editor of Globalization and the Nation State: The Impact of the IMF and the World Bank, along with Gustav Ranis and Stephen Kosack. The book includes contributions from leading North American analysts such as Nancy Birdsall and Stephen Morris, as well as European-based analysts including Frances Stewart. He has published in numerous scholarly journals, including International Organization, Journal of Conflict Resolution, European Economic Review, Journal of Development Economics, Public Choice, World Development, International Political Science Review, Political Analysis, World Economics, and Foreign Policy Magazine. He currently serves as an associate editor for The Review of International Organizations. His research has led him to be covered by media internationally, including the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, DawnNews, BizRadio Network, the Washington Post, Financial Times Deutschland, De Tijd, and Der Bund.
Major works
Scholarly Articles
Dreher, Axel, Jan-Egbert Sturm, and James Raymond Vreeland. 2009. . European Economic Review:.
Dreher, Axel, Jan-Egbert Sturm, and James Raymond Vreeland. 2009. Journal of Development Economics 88 :1-18.
Vreeland, James Raymond. 2008. . Journal of Conflict Resolution 52 :401-425.
Vreeland, James Raymond. 2008. . International Organization 62 :65-101.
Vreeland, James Raymond. 2006. . The Review of International Organizations 1 : 359-378.
Vreeland, James Raymond. 2003. . International Political Science Review: Special Issue on The Political Economy of International Finance 24: 321-343.
Vreeland, James Raymond. 2002. . World Development 30: 121-139.
Przeworski, Adam and James Raymond Vreeland. 2002. . Political Analysis 10: 101-112.
Przeworski, Adam and James Raymond Vreeland. 2000. . Journal of Development Economics 62: 385-421.
Smith, Alastair and James Raymond Vreeland. 2006. The Survival of Political Leaders and IMF Programs. In Gustav Ranis, James Vreeland, and Stephen Kosack, Globalization and the Nation State: The Impact of the IMF and the World Bank. New York: Routledge. pp. 263–289.
Vreeland, James Raymond. 2003. Buscando Condiciones, No Dinero: El acuerdo de Uruguay con el FMI en 1990. In Diego Aboal and Juan Andrés Moraes, . Montevideo: Ediciones Trilce. pp. 73–92.