James Francis Jewell Archibald

James Francis Jewell Archibald was an American war correspondent. He was the first man wounded in the Spanish–American War. He was embedded with German troops in World War I and was arrested when he returned to the United States.


He was born in September 22, 1871 in Chautauqua County, New York to Dr. Francis Albert Archibald and Martha Washington Jewell. He graduated from Ohio Wesleyan University in 1888.
By 1910 he was living in Washington, DC.
He was detained by the British in World War I and was found to be carrying a letter from Constantin Theodor Dumba, the Austro-Hungarian Ambassador to the United States to Stephan Burián von Rajecz, the Minister for Foreign Affairs in Vienna. The letter described a plan to delay the production of American munitions by a strike action. He was charged with performing an "unneutral service" and later released.
His wife filed for divorce in 1927.
He committed suicide with a gunshot on May 29, 1934 in Hollywood, California.


Blue Shirt and Khaki a Comparison
