James Brighouse

James Brighouse was a late-nineteenth-century American leader of a splinter sect in the Latter Day Saint movement called the Order of Enoch. Brighouse was one of the first people to claim to be the "One Mighty and Strong" that Joseph Smith, Jr. had prophesied of in 1832. He was born in Loughborough, Leicestershire, England, on 14 September 1841. Brighouse died on 17 July 1916, in South Cottonwood, Utah, United States.

Order of Enoch

On December 7, 1884, a few members of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints met in Independence, Missouri to organize what they called the Order of Enoch or the Church or Kingdom of Christ. The leaders of group were Brighouse and Lars Peterson.
James Brighouse and Lars Peterson published The Voice at Midnight on December 25, 1884, in Independence, Missouri. This 4-page tract called for a return to the law of consecration. A form titled "Deed or Covenant" is part of the tract. This form provided for the consecration of property to the Bishop. The tract also called for the followers of Christ to devote themselves to Christ's teachings and become sanctified and pure in heart.


Brighouse taught that Brigham Young had led the majority of Latter Day Saints astray by teaching plural marriage. Brighouse claimed that he was the "One Mighty and Strong" that Joseph Smith had prophesied would come to "set in order the house of God".
In 1891, Brighouse traveled to Salt Lake City, Utah Territory. It was believed by some Latter Day Saints that Joseph Smith had prophesied that Jesus Christ would return to earth by 1891; Brighouse went to the incomplete Salt Lake Temple and declared that he was Jesus, whose coming had been prophesied. Brighouse preached in Salt Lake City for a few days and converted a handful of followers. One of those followers, Dr. Henry I. Doremus, a prominent educator in Utah, assisted with Brighouse's publications. Doremus was excommunicated by the Church, for non-conformity to the tenets of that sect - particularly for his refusal to recognize the leaders of the church as the inspired agents and representatives of the Divinity.
In Utah Territory in 1892, Brighouse published a book called The Voice of the Seventh Angel, Proclaiming the End of Time! The Resurrection of the Dead! The Day of Final Judgment! and the Rule of Righteousness and Peace!. The following are some of the primary teachings in the book:
Little is known of Brighouse's life after 1892, but his following remained small.

Factional breakdown: New restoration sects