Jam'iyat-e Nesvan-e Vatankhah

Jam'iyat-e Nesvân-e Vatankhâh , was one of the most active organizations in the Women's rights movement in Iran that formed after the Persian Constitutional Revolution. The Society was set up in 1922 under the name, Jamʿīyat-e taraqqī-e neswān, by Mohtaram Eskandari, director of the state school number 5 for girls, who was disappointed with the results of the revolution for women, Noor-ol-Hoda Mangeneh, Mastoureh Afshar, and other women's rights activists.
Their objective was "to emphasize continuous respect for the laws and rituals of Islam; to promote the education and moral upbringing of girls; to encourage national industries; to spread literacy among adult women; to provide care for orphaned girls; to set up hospitals for poor women; to organise co-operatives as a means of developing national industries; and to give material and moral support to the defenders of the country in the event of war." The organization contributed "the most important recorded effort to establish ties with women of the region."
The league held lectures and waged campaigns. In 1932, it organized the Oriental Women's Congress in Tehran. The league also published the important women's journal, Nosvan Vatankhah , from 1922.