
Jahangirganj is a market and village in Ambedkar Nagar in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh and is Subpost Office. It is found 45 km towards East from District headquarters Akbarpur, Ambedkar Nagar and 242 km from State capital Lucknow.
The village is administrated by a Sarpanch, who is an elected representative.
It is one among the 9 blocks in Ambedkar Nagar district. Jahangirganj block has 260 villages. As per the administration records, the block code of Jahangirganj is 507.


India census, Population of children with age 0–6 years is 636 which makes up 13.32% of total population of Jahangirganj. Average Sex Ratio of Jahangirganj is 984 Females which is higher than Uttar Pradesh state average of 912 Females. Child Sex Ratio of Jahangirganj as per census is 969, which is also higher than Uttar Pradesh average of 902 Females.
Jahangirganj has higher literacy rate contrasted with Uttar Pradesh. In 2011, literacy rate of Jahangirganj was 80.42% contrasted to 67.68% of Uttar Pradesh. In Jahangirganj Male literacy stands at 87.95% while female literacy rate was 72.78%.
Jahangirganj' block population is 210657.


Jahangirganj is a counted by National Highway 233A is going Tanda To Rajesultanpur and Azamgarh.


This place is too hot in summer. Summer highest day temperature is in between 26 °C to 46 °C and average temperatures of January is 16 °C, February is 18 °C, March is 26 °C, April is 32 °C and May is 37 °C.

Nearly cities