Jadeite (kitchenware)

Jadeite, also known as Fire King Jade-ite, is a type of glass tableware made of Jade-green opaque milk glass, popular in the United States in the mid-20th century. A blue variety called "Azur-ite" was also produced for several years. Jade-ite and Azur-ite were both produced by Anchor Hocking.
It is not to be confused with jadite, a green jade shade of vaseline glass product made in the early 20th century.

Jadeite Fire King

The "Jadeite Fire King" brand was first produced by the United States glassware firm Anchor Hocking in the 1940s. Most of Anchor Hocking's output of Jadeite was between 1945 and 1975. A durable product in a fashionable color, it became the most popular product made by Anchor Hocking.
The glassware's popularity also makes it an affordable and popular collectable today. Reproduction items are produced today by various manufacturers. Fire King Jadeite is still produced in reproduction lines by Anchor Hocking, which designs variations into its reproductions so that they are not mistaken for originals, to maintain the integrity of the genuine status of original Jadeite articles.

Similar products

Jeannette Glassware was a United States manufacturer of green milk glass tableware similar in appearance to Jadeite Fire King.
Kitchenware in other materials, such as aluminum canisters and bread containers, were produced in the mid-20th century in the same shade of Jadeite green, to match the glassware.