Jade Chow Wei Mun

Jade Chow Wei Mun is a Malaysian physician, and interested in skin and bone pathology. She is currently being employed by Newcastle University Medicine Malaysia as a Dean of Clinical Affairs. Her previous research has particularly focused on skin and bone pathology, where she has published several articles.


She studied medicine in Ireland and pursued postgraduate studies in London, obtaining FRCPath and a PhD from the University of London. She was Senior Lecturer and Reader in histopathology at St George's, University of London for 26 years until 2014, and also served as associate dean of St George's. She is a Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists, and Regional Specialist Advisor for Histopathology for South London. She returned to Malaysia in 2014 to join the International Medical University as Professor of Pathology and the Dean of Medical Sciences. She is currently being employed by Newcastle University Medicine Malaysia as a Dean of Clinical Affairs.

Selected publications
